Scottish Water’s 2022-23 performance

Our report sets out our assessment of Scottish Water’s performance in the financial year 2022-23, the second year of the 2021-27 regulatory control period.

We assess performance by comparing what Scottish Water delivered during the year against Scottish Water’s past performance, the allowances made in WICS’ Final Determination for the 2021-27 regulatory control period, and Scottish Water’s own performance targets. 

The report includes assessments on a number of key outcomes for customers, including levels of service, water quality and environmental performance, as well as the delivery of Scottish Water’s investment programme. It also examines Scottish Water’s performance with respect to operating costs and financial strength. 

The report also looks ahead to the 2027 Strategic Review of Charges (SRC27).  Scottish Water will need to ensure that there is sufficient granular evidence on the investment programme, to allow WICS to set price limits in SRC27, and monitor performance in the years ahead.  

WICS will continue working with Scottish Water on the provision of further information on the investment programme, which will form a key foundation of WICS’ regulatory approach to SRC27. 

Read our report

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